Joe Leone
Since the inception of Parched (and Parched Productions), Joe has written and directed the morally enigmatic thriller Reap, the psychologically confounding Blood Falls, and the tragic vampire love story Invite Only. His script which takes a feisty look at sartorial discord, Sisters Will Be Sisters, was just optioned by No Sunrise Wasted, LLC, and will shoot in 2020.

Solange Noboa
Solange is a talented makeup artist from New York City. She has worked on Blood Falls as well.

Ray Benza
Ray is the founder/owner of Entertainment Technology, Inc., Westchester’s premiere audio/video company. He has also produced the indie horror films Blood Falls and Parched.

Gabriella Chiulli
Gabriella is a talented film actress and theater veteran, having worked in multiple capacities onscreen/stage and behind the curtain. She has appeared in Reap, Blood Falls, Invite Only, and the original Parched.